Bay Area Memories and Pot Sticker Soup

We have many memories about the time we spent in the San Francisco Bay Area. My sons consider it home and if you asked them, they would tell you that the experiences they had growing up there are as vivid and varied as ever. A young family living in an area with an incredibly high… Continue reading Bay Area Memories and Pot Sticker Soup

Trader Joe’s, a Birthday, and Country Potato Quiche

Where has February gone? I realize that it is the shortest month of the year and all…but still. It went by far too quickly. It even had an extra day this time, so that the earth’s trips around the sun are equal, to clocks, the calendar, and apparently the entire space-time continuum. I’m not a… Continue reading Trader Joe’s, a Birthday, and Country Potato Quiche

For the Love of Bruschetta

Bruschetta is a wonderful dish. Born in Italy it has taken over this country like wildfire or should I say grill-fire since the bread is traditionally toasted over a flame. The original recipe is the essence of delicious simplicity.  Hearty, maybe slightly stale bread rubbed with a garlic clove and drizzled with olive oil and… Continue reading For the Love of Bruschetta