Reflections on My Trip Around the Sun and Some Recipe Links

Years ago, when I was a Montessori teacher, we celebrated each child’s birthday with a symbolic trip around the sun, making one circle around a candle for each year of the child’s age. They were preschoolers so it only took a few minutes to complete every trip they’d made so far. There were a handful… Continue reading Reflections on My Trip Around the Sun and Some Recipe Links

Reflections on Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving weekend has come to a close. Looking back on it, I have to say that it has been one of the happiest I can remember. The days were filled with family, food, shopping, and most of all love. Love, you know, makes everything better. You can see it and you can definitely feel… Continue reading Reflections on Thanksgiving


As Thanksgiving approaches, we all reflect on what we have. I wanted to spend this week reflecting on all the things that I’m grateful for; my family, food; cooking it and enjoying it, and the future, still not clear but always bright. This is a food blog and there will be recipes, but first things… Continue reading Thankfulness