Greenie Beanie Salad with Warm Bacon, Shallot, and Garlic Dressing

Don’t laugh at the title of this post. Greenie beanies was how we always referred to this vegetable when my kids were growing up. Maybe it helped them eat them more willingly, maybe I just made up silly words because I was that kind of mom. Whatever the reason, we still refer to those lovely… Continue reading Greenie Beanie Salad with Warm Bacon, Shallot, and Garlic Dressing

Smokey Grilled Chicken Thighs with Sage and Other Good Things


Chicken thighs are wonderful. Meaty, juicy and the perfect protein for the grill. While the boneless/skinless variety is everyone’s darling, the bone in/skin on version is not without its charms. The bone adds flavor and the skin, when carefully trimmed provides a nice little blanket of succulent juice. These thighs come to the table like… Continue reading Smokey Grilled Chicken Thighs with Sage and Other Good Things