Downsizing the Kitchen and Apple Cinnamon Bundt Cake

Downsizing is an exciting adventure, discovering things that had been forgotten. Looking through boxes and boxes of everything and feeling a little like Solomon making decisions on what to keep and what to part with. There are parts of the house that are virtually empty save packed boxes, empty boxes, and things to be packed in… Continue reading Downsizing the Kitchen and Apple Cinnamon Bundt Cake

Signs of Fall and Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

As I take my daily ride into the country, the signs of Fall are everywhere. The corn stalks stand drying in the fields their single ears of seed corn still attached. they’ll stay there for a few more weeks until the process is complete.Other stalks face another fate. Gathered and bound to adorn farm stands… Continue reading Signs of Fall and Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

Downsizing the Freezer and Stuffed Peppers

Our efforts to downsize are paying off. One garage sale has been held with respectable success. Closets are devoid of useless clothes and there are spaces were small pieces of furniture used to be. One of the tasks as we prepare to move is using up what is in the freezer and pantry. Of course… Continue reading Downsizing the Freezer and Stuffed Peppers

Another Chapter Begins and We Enjoy Steak Tacos

It’s been a little over a year, and I’m beginning to feel comfortable in the life chapter that I am writing for myself. I’ve cooked and created recipes that are uniquely me, and shared them with a slowly expanding “public.” This has been one of the most satisfying times in my life…doing something that I’m… Continue reading Another Chapter Begins and We Enjoy Steak Tacos

The Further Adventures of Mama D and the Bean

“Beans, beans, the musical fruit…” I remember that little ditty from my youth. Beans have gotten a bad rap due to their intestinal music properties. (By the way, that can be partially remedied by draining and rinsing the canned ones and soaking the dry ones over night.) Beans are a magical vegetable.  Not in the… Continue reading The Further Adventures of Mama D and the Bean