I have a confession to make. I have been leading a double life. I don’t just share my recipes here on my website, I also use social media to get my recipes out. Did you know that I have Face Book Page, cleverly named Mama D’s Kitchen? While all of my posts that appear here, go to Face Book, there are times when I publish a recipe directly to Face Book. The F.B. posts tend to be shorter, thus you can read them in less than a minute, check out the recipe, and get on with your life.Vegetable Hash with Toads in the Hole
These lots of other recipes are here at Mama D’s Kitchen of Love on the Recipe page. Just click on the word RECIPES in the upper left hand corner of the post page. If you haven’t taken a minute to check out this page, please give it a look. You’ll find things like:
Grilled Portobello with Quinoa Zucchini Bread,
And Spaghetti Squash
If you aren’t visiting the RECIPE page when you are reading a new post, why not take a minute and give it a look-see. If you are already checking out the recipe page, thank you for your interest and support.
Mango Peach Crisp
I also have a Pinterest Page Mama D’s Kitchen that has all of my recipes. If you are into that, check it out and re-pin any recipes that tickle your fancy. You can also follow my Pinterest page.
As I head into my second year of Mama D’s Kitchen of Love, I am trying to build a broader reader/viewer/subscriber base. You are my inaugural subscribers and hold a special place in my heart. If you enjoy these musings and meals of mine, please consider sharing the site with your friends. I know that this sounds a little like a paid political announcement and maybe it is, but one of my goals is to grow this “hobby” into a career and this is one way I’m trying to accomplish that.
So check out the RECIPE page, Face Book, and Pinterest, and stay tuned for the next Mama D post coming soon.