Reflections on My Trip Around the Sun and Some Recipe Links

Years ago, when I was a Montessori teacher, we celebrated each child’s birthday with a symbolic trip around the sun, making one circle around a candle for each year of the child’s age. They were preschoolers so it only took a few minutes to complete every trip they’d made so far. There were a handful… Continue reading Reflections on My Trip Around the Sun and Some Recipe Links

Turkey, The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Back around Thanksgiving, the bus company that I work for gave me (and every other employee) a frozen turkey. This kind gesture is a throwback to another era when employees were given a token of appreciation at the holidays for the work they did. That turkey or ham might have meant that a family could… Continue reading Turkey, The Gift That Keeps On Giving

A New Year, a New Grill and a New Panzanella Salad

When one reaches a certain age, the excitement over Christmas presents diminishes somewhat. It truly becomes a situation of it being better to give than to receive. That’s where we are. We lavished (as much as two people on fixed incomes can) gifts on our children and grandchildren, and enjoyed the glow of their happiness.… Continue reading A New Year, a New Grill and a New Panzanella Salad

Reflections on Christmas Present

While the magical glow of Christmas is still in the air, the knowledge that the holiday season is slowly winding down and a new year is on the horizon is creeping into my mind. This is a time of reflection. It’s more than what worked and what may have seen its last Christmas appearance though… Continue reading Reflections on Christmas Present