On the Side…The Other Half of Dinner Love

Dinner is my favorite meal of the day. I love to create a plate of love for the evening meal. As you know, Mama D is a big fan of the one dish meal, be it soup, skillet, or casserole. Sometimes, well actually, quite often she enjoys a plate of food divided; that is a… Continue reading On the Side…The Other Half of Dinner Love

A Cozy Nest and a Pot of Something Wonderful (Chicken & Poblano Chili)

Winter is here. There is snow on the ground and ice on the streets. It’s the time of the year when those of us who live in the Midwest turn our thoughts to curling up on the couch with a good book and a loving partner. Weekends at home give us time to fall in… Continue reading A Cozy Nest and a Pot of Something Wonderful (Chicken & Poblano Chili)